My mission is to empower.

Transformative care

I’m Hanna Trinite, a PT specializing in core/pelvic floor and orthopedic physical therapy. But I’m more than a physical therapist—I’m your all-in-one support system. Think of me as your coach, teammate, accountability partner, detective, problem-solver, and your ultimate hype man.

While I specialize in addressing issues like urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, sprained ankles, or hip pain, or shoulder pain, my commitment goes beyond physical recovery. Together, we'll achieve transformative results.

How I can help you

My approach is all about solving the root causes of your condition. I take the time to fully understand your medical history, lifestyle, and unique circumstances, so that I can develop a comprehensive treatment plan that is tailored to you.

Hundreds of my patients have achieved life-changing results. They’ve gone on to marathons, participating in Crossfit competitions, and biking for hundreds of miles without pain or problems.

I'm here to empower you to take control of your health and wellbeing. You’ll receive all the tools and techniques you need to continue making progress long after your treatment with me is over.

About Me

As an avid mover and shaker, you’ll find me immersed in the lively community of Asheville. From lifting weights at the gym to reveling in the grace of Pilates and Lagree, playing with aerial silks, finding balance through yoga, or chasing my wild children around the local trails and parks - my life revolves around the boundless joys of movement.

I received my Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from the George Washington University, but my love of movement started well before that. While working at a desk job in my early years, I realized the indispensable connection between physical activity and mental well-being. I started to challenge myself through triathlons and half marathons. As my devotion to fitness deepened, so did my profound desire to empower others on their journey towards strength and wellness, and I started dabbling in personal and group fitness training. Completing physical therapy school was the natural progression.

Since earning my clinical doctorate, I have dedicated countless hours to furthering my knowledge and honing my expertise. Through over 300 hours (and counting) of advanced coursework in addition to a Lagree and 250 hr Yoga Certification, I have continuously expanded my skill set, ensuring that my clients receive the utmost care and support in their pursuit of health and well-being.

My coursework includes:

  • Yoga Teacher Training 250-Hour

  • Lagree Level 1 Certifcation

  • Holistic Treatment of the Prenatal and Postpartum Body

  • Holistic Treatment of Interstitial Cystitis

  • Pregnancy and Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist

  • Dry Needling Certification

  • Evaluation and Treatment of the Abdominal Canister

  • Visceral Manipulation

  • Low Pressure Fitness

  • Lumbopelvic Ultrasound Imaging

  • Treatment of the Athlete’s Shoulder

  • Spinal Mobilization and Manipulation


  • The pelvic floor is a set of muscles inside the pelvis. It has many roles including helping to stabilize your hips when you move, coordinating in order to pee or poop, tightening and coordinating with a bunch of other muscles to keep you dry when you sneeze, lengthening to birth a child, and holding up your pelvic organs (to name just some of the functions). It is an incredible set of muscles!

    When a person experiences pelvic pain (and pain can be experienced ANYWHERE in the pelvis), urinary leakage, constipation, bowel leakage/smearing, hip pain, tailbone pain (see Services tab for common conditions treated), it is a sign that the pelvic floor and surrounding muscles and joints likely need treatment.

  • When someone has symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction (see Services tab for common conditions), a pelvic floor physical therapist will work with you to find the root cause of the symptoms. An initial evaluation includes external and internal assessment of the pelvic floor muscles (with patient consent!), assessment of the hip joints, the spine, the hip muscles, and the core muscles, though issues from head to toe can affect the pelvic floor. Treatment aims to address all of the things found during the assessment. Exercise, manual therapy (soft tissue, joint, or visceral mobilization), dry needling, and muscle retraining are used as treatment options.

  • Unfortunately, the current insurance model of physical therapy does not allow for the individual attention and detailed treatment that is provided by Core Dynamics Physical Therapy. Here you will receive the high end, one-on-one services that you deserve.

    A detailed superbill can be provided following each visit upon request in order for patients to file for reimbursement. It is best to check with your own insurance companies for out-of-network insurance benefits. You may use this worksheet as a guide to ask questions.

    Insurance Guide

  • I treat the whole body with a core focus. I’ve seen pelvic pain and urinary leakage caused by tightness in the legs, the hips, or the mid back; I’ve seen low back pain caused by tightness in the pelvic floor. I’ve even seen hip pain caused by poor posture and core weakness. I treat it all, from head to toe.

Get started with me today.